The music of

David Lumsdaine

The music of David Lumsdaine

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Boyd River Crossing

Boyd River Crossing, NSW, is on a plateau on the Great Dividing Range. I made the recording from the viewpoint of some Pobblebock frogs living where the creek runs over flat rocks, pitted with numerous small holes which give a beautiful resonance to their calls. The frogs have sung right through the night; an hour before first light a distant White-backed Magpie begins his song. He is first joined by a family of Kookaburras and then by the rest of the dawn chorus, notably a Yellow-faced Honeyeater, some Pied Currawongs and a Red Wattlebird. The Pobblebocks continue their songs in the foreground.

This is the earliest of my extant soundscapes, recorded at 5am on 1/9/1979 with a pair of AKG cardioid microphones and an Uher 4200 recorder. There were no additions to the single 20’ reel of tape, just discreet cuts.